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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Life Experience Degrees

Life Experience Degrees - On the right path

Studying the daily experience of individuals with severe mental illness, the researchers examined how characteristics of daily activities were indicative of individuals' negative mood states. Not every individual in the community welcomes and happily embraces free time. For some people, particularly when they have severe mental illness, leisure time may become a heavy burden because of persistent negative mood states such as boredom, anxiety, and depression.

Participants generally reported 4-5 previous admissions for psychiatric treatment. Three participants lived independently in their own home or apartment, whereas the remainder lived in congregate housing (group home or shelter). Only one participant was employed at the time of the study.When high levels of challenge are met with high levels of skill, a state of flow occurs. In this state of flow, attention is focused on the activity. Although Csikszentmihalyi (1997) noted that flow experience is not directly related to an emotional state, its recollection may be a source of happiness. By contrast, when skills exceed the challenge of an activity, individuals are likely to experience boredom.

For more information about Life Experience Degrees, visit


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